Theme: Research and Innovation in Nutrition, Food and Health

Diet Congress 2018

Renowned Speakers

Diet Congress 2018


Conference Series llc LTD extends a warm welcome to you all for the “27th World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity” covering the recent issues in the epidemiology and treatment of nutrition anomalies and Obesity and the role of dietetics. It has a broad objective of tackling global malnutrition and obesity challenges with the aid of advanced dietetics, treatments and research implications.

The “World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity” is a global forum to propound and learn about the concatenated nature of diet, nutrition and obesity. Malnutrition is a critical public health emergency in the recent days due to its consequential effects on physical health, mental health and on the community. The UNICEF-2017 edition of Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates shows that obesity in children continues to rise at dismaying rates. Recent WHO estimates show that the worldwide prevalence of obesity is more than doubled between 1980 and 2014.

This event brings together leading academicians, dietitians, nutritionists, researchers, sports nutritionists, neo-nutritionists, scientists, endocrinologists, students, psychiatrists, statisticians, demographists, health-care professionals and business delegates to discuss novel, radical ideas and arrive at a promising conclusion for the betterment of the upcoming generations. This World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity strives to discuss such issues, the inter-relatedness of these three components in ensuring good health and the elimination of detrimental, fatal and cognitive ailments of mankind.

The “27th World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity” is aimed to give an opportunity to the experts in the field of nutrition balance to examine the most recent progressions and difficulties in the field. This congress is intended to give a potent stage to Nutritionists and dietitians, different specialists and students employed in the field to consider and share their encounters before an expansive global meeting of people. The gathering invites Presidents, CEOs, Delegates and modern officials from Industrial and Academic sectors to take part in the instinctive investigative sessions, B2B gatherings and board talks.

Why to attend?

With an ensemble of professionals with different backgrounds, the “27th World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity” gives you an elite opportunity to reach out to a large audience, having a global impact in the scientific community. With Keynote speeches, diverse tracks and sessions, Renowned Organizing Committee Members, Group registration discounts, poster presentations, industry personnel, exhibitors and a densely-packed audience, this is a must-attend event for the Dietetics field, Nutrition and Obesity personnel from all over the world.

The Nutrition Conference also offers CME Credits to all participating Speakers. Continuing Medical Education Credits helps Healthcare Professionals and Students in maintaining competence and increasing knowledge in their respective fields of study.

Target Audience:



Academic Professors and Lecturers


Doctors & Nurses


Food and Nutrition Business personals


Food Technologists

Research Groups


Health Conscious people

Food Safety & Quality Professionals


Track 1: Nutrition and Balanced Diet

A balanced diet regimen gives the body required nutrition. The prerequisites for a balanced diet can be met from an assortment of plant and animal-based foods. A healthy eating regimen provides the necessary energy and nutrition without causing any toxic effects and extra weight gain from consuming more food than required by the body. Balanced diet and nutritional food help in reducing the risks of various chronic disorders like obesity, heart diseases, cancer, hypertension and diabetes.

Key Terms: Healthy diet chart for women, Healthy diet guidelines, Diet program, balanced diet chart for weight loss

 Nutrition Conferences | Obesity Conferences  | Food Technology Conferences

Track 2: Epidemiology of Obesity

Overweight and obesity are defined as irregular or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. According to the WHO fact sheet globally, since 1975 the number of people suffering from obesity has tripled. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight out of which 650 million were obese. The reason for obesity and overweight is due to the imbalance between the calories consumed and spent. World-wide rise of obesity is also caused due to an increased intake of fast food and lack of physical activity due to the onset of urbanization.

Key Terms: Liposuction, Belly fat trimmer

Diet Conferences | Nutrition Meetings | Food Quality Conferences

Track 3: Diet and Obesity

Obesity is one of the leading health problems in today’s world being responsible for numerous deaths globally. People suffering from obesity have a very high risk of suffering from various life taking chronic diseases. Unfortunately, people have subdued to crash diet and diet pills which cause rapid decease in weight and nutritional deficiencies and have shown to negatively affect their health and appetite. A balanced diet with a proper exercise regimen will help the people suffering from obesity to lose weight at a proper and steady pace. It also helps in boosting their overall health by inducing energy and immunity.

  • Plant based diet
  • Exercise and diet
  • Obesity Meal Plans

Key Terms: Mediterranean Diet, Water weight loss, Perfect diet plan for weight loss

Nutraceuticals Meetings | Obesity Meetings | Eating Disorders Conferences

Track 4: Health risks of Obesity

Tackling obesity is very essential because including physical changes it can also lead to potentially life-threatening chronic conditions such as cancers, coronary heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. Based on the severity, the life span of a person suffering from obesity is reduced by an average of 3 to 10 years. Statistical research data indicates that in Europe 1 in every 13 deaths is because of being obese and overweight.

Key Terms: good health obesity clinic, weight loss regimen for obese

Nutrition Events | Food Science Conferences | Nutrition Conferences

Track 5: Obesity and Psychiatric Disorders

As much as obesity is a physical problem it is also a psychological problem. Psychological issues are a warning for the development of obesity and it will also lead to problems during the on-going weight control struggle. Psychological assessment has become mandatory in the multi-disciplinary approach which also includes bariatric surgery. Recently cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have become an important approach for the treatment of obesity. The achievement of considerable weight loss by surgical or non-surgical means is crucially related to a person’s ability to make changes in one’s habits and lifestyle which not only involves a proper balanced diet and exercise regimen exercise, but also management of emotional and psychological stress balanced with dietetics.

  • Behavioral or Cognitive therapy
  • Bariatric Psychology
  • Psychological Risk Factors for Obesity

Key Terms: Obesity pills

Food Science Conferences | Food Chemistry Conferences | Dietetics Conferences

Track 6: Urbanization, Lifestyle changes and Nutrition Transition

Due to the onset of urbanization the fresh market source is disappearing and more of processed food is being utilized by the public. High increase in the consumption of dairy and poultry is also seen throughout the world.  Due to such transitions in the diet several negative health implications are seen in in the public due to the presence of harmful components in food like pesticide, antibiotic residues and chemical fertilizers. The recent studies showed that genetically modified food have reported to increase obesity in the population. Due to increasing awareness and lifestyle changes people have now started opting for organic and homemade food and advice from nutritionists and dietitians. But due to the economics involved for the cultivation of organic food, it becomes difficult for the outreach of these foods.

Key Terms: Grapes nutrition, types of protein energy malnutrition, Mediterranean diet

Track 7: Pediatric Nutrition

Proper amount of food and nutrition during the early stages of a child's development is essential for the proper growth of a child. Any nutritional deficiency at this vital stage may lead to health implications in the later stages of their life. Due to lifestyle changes and urbanization, children are prone to less physical activity and more sedentary lifestyle due to which childhood obesity is on the rise. Recent research on obesity in children indicated that the time spent by children watching TV is proportional with their consumption of the most advertised food items. Childhood Obesity can badly affect a child's physical and mental health leading to poor academic performance and low self-esteem.

  • child obesity treatment
  • Pediatric Malnutrition
  • Importance of Breastfeeding
  • Oral health and nutrition
  • Complementary feeding

Key Terms: Nutritious food for children, child malnutrition in India, healthy diet guidelines

Diet Conferences | Nutrition Meetings | Food Quality Conferences

Track 8: Maternal Nutrition

Along with giving importance on pregnancy and birth, considering a women’s health and nutritional status during early life and adult life is important to reduce the risks associated during pregnancy. Providing required nutrition before the reproductive years will ensure healthy pregnancy and postmenopausal period. Hence maintaining appropriate nutritional status of a women will ensure a healthy life for her and her offspring. Women should also be educated about balanced diet to promote healthy eating regimen and ideal nutritional status.

  • Maternal Diet
  • Nutrient requirements during pregnancy
  • Nutrition and menstruation

Key Terms: Healthy diet chart for women, pregnant and lactating mothers, post pregnancy nutrition

Nutraceuticals Meetings | Obesity Meetings | Eating Disorders Conferences

Track 9: Epidemiology of Malnutrition

Malnutrition is a major global problem and initiatives should be taken by the national Governments to prevent the conditions of undernutrition and overnutrition. The condition of overnutrition is distributed widely around the world and undernutrition is most commonly seen in patients under health care. Routine screening for malnutrition is very much essential for patients in hospitals and out-patient clinics. Effective health treatment for people suffering from obesity will also lead to healthy benefits and also proper nutritional support for people suffering from malnutrition will lead to good clinical outcomes and reduced mortality rates worldwide which will lead to significant cost savings for the health care sector globally. Due to the prevalence of food insecurity around the world people are unable to meet the basic dietary requirement of their body which leads to a condition of nutrition insecurity.

  • Food Security & Nutrition security
  • Food safety & Food quality
  • Food Fortification

Key Terms: nutritional needs, types of protein energy malnutrition, child malnutrition in India

Nutrition Events | Food Science Conferences | Food Chemistry Conferences

Track 10: Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder is a condition in which a person eats too much or consumes insufficient food leading to health complications. With the ascent of westernization, scientific innovations and social reforms the idea of a perfect lifestyle and body shape is on the main checklist. According to the survey conducted by the National Eating Disorder Association around the word 70 million people are prone to eating disorders. Since 1990's dietary problems have been progressively regular in Singapore.

  • Globalization of Eating Disorders
  • Anorexia & Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Treatment approaches for Eating Disorders

Key Terms: emotional eating

Nutritionists Meetings | Nutrition Conferences | Obesity Conferences

Track 11: Sport and Exercise Nutrition

The energy requirement for sports individual is different from a normal person hence they should have a different diet plan. It increases when they are playing sports. Hence an athlete should make dietary changes not just to perform for a particular game but to match his/her long-term necessities. A proper nutritional diet for a games individual comprises of at least 2000 calories for each day.  The glycemic Index has now become an important part in an athlete’s diet plan. A healthy eating regimen will provide the athlete with the required energy and boost both on the field and during practice sessions. The field of dietetics is on high roll for sports nutrition and fitness.

  • Glycemic index in Sports
  • Sports Supplements
  • Sports Recovery nutrition

Key Terms: Nutrition and diet, oatmeal nutrition facts, how to lose weight fast

Sports Nutrition Conferences | Diet Conferences | Nutrition Meetings

Track 12: Health Implications of Processed Food

Around the world the use of processed food is on high point. Eating processed food on a regular basis will have side effects on our health. Processing the food will remove the necessary nutrients from the food leaving an item with low calories and very less nutrient value. The additives present in processed are thought to compromise our body's normal functioning and are found to cause high blood pressure and cancer. According to the study published in the Journal of the World Public Health and Nutrition Association the main cause of obesity world-wide is due to the rise in consumption of Ultra-processed food items.

  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Coloring agents and Preservatives
  • Trans-fatty acids
  • Ultra-processed foods

Key Terms: healthy diet guidelines, diet program, best food processor

Food Safety Conferences | Nutraceuticals Meetings | Obesity Meetings

Track 13: Food allergies and intolerances

Food allergy is body's immune response to certain food items whereas food intolerance is a body's chemical reaction towards a food item. Food allergies are on the rise particularly in school going children especially peanut allergy. Food allergies may be life threatening. Food Intolerance is not involved with the immune system and does not cause severe allergic reactions. Food intolerance may lead to irritable bowel syndrome, asthma or chronic fatigue.

  • Peanut allergy
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Crohns disease & Coeliac disease 
  • Prevention and research on food allergy and food intolerance

Key Terms: Nutritional needs, diagnosing food intolerance, mushroom nutrition, pineapple nutrition

Pediatric Conferences | Nutrition Events | Food Science Conferences

Track 14: Obesity treatment and management

Obesity can be managed by combination of lifestyle change, exercise and healthy diet plans.  In case of severe Obesity, bariatric surgery and medications will be employed. People who have gone through bariatric surgery which have suppressed hunger and the mechanism which causes obesity-based type 2 diabetes is reversed and it also causes sixty to eighty percent weight loss for a long term. But it has it cons that is it may cause some post-surgery complications and essential loss of nutrients in the body. People who don't want to go under the needle can opt for natural methods like yoga and naturopathy to increase the metabolism of fat and revive the organs in the body to function normally. The role of nutritionists and dietitians in the management is of importance.

Key Terms: obese workout, belly fat trimmer, child obesity treatment, good health obesity clinic, stomach fat removal, obesity pills

Dietetics Conferences | Nutritionists Meetings | Nutrition Conferences

Track 15: Relevance of Clinical Nutrition

Clinical nutrition is essential for patients in healthcare to deal with sickness, injuries, surgery and for proper recovery. It helps in preventing malnutrition, restoring body tissue and boosting energy and immunity in the body. It can be provided with a proper diet plan and feeding the patient with essential foods that revive the patient’s body the patient can also be given health supplements for proteins, vitamins etc. The preferred route of nutrition administration is oral although parenteral and enteral routes are also followed.

  • Parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition
  • Recovery nutrition
  • Nutrition support in Surgical Patients

Key Terms: clinical nutrition distance learning, diet program, nutritional needs, nutrition and diet

Track 16: Market Research on Nutrition

Earlier nutrition market was concentrated of products for treatment of malnutrition condition but now due to innovations in the healthcare sector and due rising awareness among the people the market for nutritional products like healthy supplements, organic food and functional food has increased. Nutritionists and dietitians are also in demand and hence the market value for the field of dietetics is increasing. The transitional change in the lifestyle of people and due to the rising number of people suffering from various chronic ailments has led the public to intake additional nutritional supplements to boost their energy and immunity.

  • Nutrition products and supplements sales statistics
  • Nutrition labelling
  • Recent advancements and innovations in Nutrition

Key Terms: balanced diet chart for weight loss, healthy diet guidelines, how to lose weight fast, nutritious food for children

Food Quality Conferences | Food Safety Conferences | Nutraceuticals Meetings

Track 17: Nutrigenomics Research

Nutrition plays an important role in determining the health of a person. What we are is what we eat. Every person has a different genetic makeup and the nutrients react differently to each person’s genes. The science of nutrigenomics deals with the study of how genes react to different nutrients in food and how this variation will influence diseases like cancer. By understanding a person’s genetic make-up a nutritionist can deduce a diet plan which is beneficial to treat a particular disease. Hence nutrigenomics can be called as the future of nutrition and a boon to the field on dietetics.

  • Current and future prospects of Nutrigenomics
  • Applications of Nutrigenomics
  • Obesity management and nutrigenomics

Key Topics: healthy diet chart for women, healthy diet guidelines, perfect diet plan for weight loss, diet program

Eating Disorders Conferences | Pediatric Conferences | Nutrition Events

Track 18: Food Borne illnesses and food safety Methods

Food borne illness is caused to due to contaminated food or food spoiled due to pathogenic microorganisms due to which an infected individual will suffer from fever, vomiting, diarrhea etc. The illness can also be caused due to chemicals or toxins which will be present in the food. Till date more than 250 food borne illnesses have been identified around the world and in the United States of America around forty-eight million people suffer from food borne illness every year. Hence it is necessary to deduce proper and efficient food safety methods to decrease the rate of uptake of people suffering from food borne illnesses.

  • Enterotoxins, Mycotoxins and natural toxins
  • Food Safety Methods
  • Regulations and rules in food safety
  • Research in food borne pathogens

Key Terms: grapes nutrition, mushroom nutrition, healthy diet guidelines, oatmeal nutrition facts

Food Chemistry Conferences | Dietetics Conferences | Nutritionists Meetings

Track 19: Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals and Functional Food

Functional foods are those which have been processed to aid in specific body functions along with providing nutrition. Nutraceuticals have the same definition but in addition they are formulated as pharmaceutical drugs. The functional food industry is developing at a rapid pace due to the increasing awareness of people towards a healthy lifestyle. A customer’s interest towards the connection between food and drugs has expanded the nutraceuticals market.

  • Probiotics and prebiotics supplements
  • Advances in functional food research
  • Nutraceuticals market
  • Regulatory Issues

Key Terms: balanced diet chart for weight loss, proper diet plan for weight loss, nutritional needs, obesity pills

Obesity Conferences  | Food Technology Conferences |  Diet Conferences

Track 20: Food Technology and Nutrition

Many chronic diseases are now caused due to the insufficient uptake of certain vitamins and minerals in our body. Many research innovations are now creating simple and nutrition filled food that gives overall nutrition to human body. Food technology research has reached an advanced the nutrition research field. Food technologists are now working on Superfoods which will not get spoilt easily and will also provide essential nutrients to the body. As of now, the global health crisis is divided into people suffering with obesity and other is people suffering from malnutrition, so research in food that will provide the essential benefits for both the parties, guarantees a maximum solution to the global health crisis.

  • Research and Innovations in Food Technology
  • Genetically Modified Food
  • Food Technology and Regulations

Key Terms: best food processor, allergies, child malnutrition in India

Nutrition Meetings | Food Quality Conferences | Food Safety Conferences


Related Conferences:

European Nutrition and Dietetics Conference, June 11-13, 2018 Dublin, Ireland

Annual Congress of European Society for Paediatric, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, May 9-12, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, May 26-30, 2018, Munich, Germany

Nutrition 2018, June 9-12, 2018, Boston, MA; Obesity Meeting 2018, August 24-25, 2018 Singapore 

Childhood Obesity 2018, March 15-16, 2018 Barcelona, Spain

Obesity and Chronic Diseases, July 23-25, 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Obesity Summit 2018, May 17- 18, 2018 Singapore

European Congress on Obesity, May 23-26, 2018, Vienna, Austria

International Conference on Obesity, May 14-15, 2018, London, United Kingdom

World Obesity 2018, November 15-16, 2018 Osaka, Japan

Pediatric Nutrition 2018, July 19-21, 2018 London, UK

Nutrition and Health 2018, April 12-14, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sports Nutrition 2018, Aug 16-18, 2018 Dublin, Ireland

International Conference on Raw Materials to Processed Foods, April 11-13, 2018, Turkey

Euro Obesity 2018, September 13-14, 2018 London, UK

International Conference on Obesity and Diabetes, May 14 - 16, 2018, Melbourne, Australia

Nutraceutical Meeting 2018, March 1-20, 2018, Singapore

Nutrition Congress 2018, June 11-13, 2018 Dublin, Ireland

Nutrition Summit 2018, July 09-10, 2018 Sydney, Australia

Nutraceuticals 2018, July 19-20, 2018 London, UK


Related Associations:

American Nutrition Association 

Obesity Society

American Obesity Association 

Obesity Medicine Association

All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity 

National Association of Nutrition Professionals

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Infant and Pediatric Nutrition Association of the Philippines 

Association for Nutrition 

National Eating Disorders Association

International Society of Sports Nutrition

School Nutrition Association, Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy

American Obesity Treatment Association, Clinical Nutrition Association

The Nutrition Society

European Nutraceutical Association

International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics,

International Association for Food Protection


Conference Series welcomes all the professionals and Business Personals from the Nutrition, Diet and Obesity Industries to put forth their research, products, innovations and views at the 27th World Congress on Diet, Nutrition and Obesity. This stage will help you accentuate your professional career and business at a global platform and interact with the well-known personalities in the field of Nutrition, food and health science. Attend our conference and stamp your research and work and on the Global Nutrition map.

Global Nutrition Market:

The nutrition market is on a high peak due to the growing number of people suffering from malnutrition, rising old aged population and rising birth rates. Millions of people are suffering from Under-nutrition globally and its incidence is found to be high in under developed countries.  Also, the geriatric population is on the rise and this part of the population suffers from many chronic diseases demanding nutritional support. These 2 groups of people are the largest consumers of nutritional products and a rise in their number will directly cause an up rise in the sales of the nutrition market. According to the research based statistics the clinical nutrition market in 2017 was valued at $44.2 billion. Basing on the current scenario of the health status globally, the nutrition market is estimated to reach $59.1 billion by the year 2025 with a CAGR expansion of 4.6% from 2017 to 2025. In addition, the growing number of birth rates also demands number of pediatric nutrition products. Some of the drawbacks for the nutrition market are the regulations for the release of some products into the market, high buying price on some novel products and lack of awareness among the public.

Globally nutrition market has been divided based on the products or supplements used and the topography. The market has been divided into the continents of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the rest of the world. North America may lead the therapeutic Nutrition market due to the rise in the number of people suffering from Obesity and other chronic diseases. The use of supplements is not just restricted to treatment of diseases now due to advancement in the Health care sector and awareness for leading a healthy lifestyle has prompted the public towards to use of health supplements for boosting their health and immunity. Hence a good market has been created for the nutritional supplements industry. Knowledge about online marketing has also let towards the market development. Changed lifestyle among the public, like late working hours in office, pollution, habitual fast food consumption is also increasing the demand for products in the nutrition market.

Fig: Growth of Nutritional Supplements Market from the year 2014-2020

Many individuals in the USA are suffering from Obesity and also the rate of people suffering other chronic diseases like diabetes and heart diseases has also spiked due to which the demand for Nutritionists and Dietitians has also seen a rise. The Nutrition and Dietetics department will see an increased importance in the present and future. A large number of industries are also investing in nutritional supplements and food that guarantee a person his/her health. Functional food makes up more than thirty percent of the nutritional supplements market. Also adding to the count is the much trending Organic food.

One of the drawbacks in the nutrition market includes the stringent regulations for releasing the product into the market. Hence novel products are made according to the particular regulations of that country or region. So, it is mandatory to revise the nutritional market according to the regulatory affairs in the releasing country or region. With the high amount of incoming cash and nuclear families, parents in Singapore are spending more than enough on the nutritional products and food to ensure the best health for their children.

New Zealand Nutrition, Health and Market analysis:

There are around 3500 fast food centers in the whole of New Zealand, that one fast food center for 1300 people. In a recent survey conducted, New Zealand stands in the 3rd position among other countries with 65.6% of its population aged above 15 either being obese or overweight. It has been estimated that obesity costs New Zealand around 1 billion dollars a year. KFC and McDonald’s are considered as the kings of fast food outlets in the country of New Zealand and its market value keeps increasing as the number of people consuming their food products are also increasing.

As the consumption of fast food is a habit among most of the New Zealand consumers, they are now focusing on avoiding any health deteriorating symptoms by the consumption of nutritional and dietary supplements, hence the health supplements market value keeps increasing at a steady pace. According to statistics the dietary supplements market is expected to reach 188 million USD with a growth estimate of around 6%. New Zealand also has less regulations for the release of Nutritional supplements and major institutional healthcare brands have been hosted by New Zealand’s health store channel.

The 16th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry held at Zurich, Switzerland was a grand success. The conference exposed new trends and advances in the field of Nutrition and Food Chemistry. The conference focused on various research innovations and business developments in the field on nutrition, food science and public health.

The conference clubbed with the 13th Euro Obesity and Endocrinology Congress had a number of well-known speakers, delegates and exhibitors, Nutritionists, dietitians and food chemists. The key note speeches for the conference were delivered by:

·         Dr. Muhammad A Jawad from Orlando Regional Medical Center, USA

·         Dr. Robert Buist from BioCeuticals P/L Sydney, Australia

·         Dr. Hunkyung Kim from Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Japan

·         Dr. Shougang Wei from Capital Medical University, China

·         Dr. Damien Byas from Center for Healthcare and Organizational Research, USA

·         Dr. Reiko Suzuki from Tokyo Healthcare University, Japan

·         Dr. Dae Young Kwon from Korea Food Research Institute, South Korea

·         Dr. Anant Oonsivilai from Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Nutri-food chemistry 2017 gallery:

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 7- 8, 2018
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1 Day 2
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View